All lesson plans will be posted in google classroom with due dates and further descriptions.
6PE Identify, examine and understand the aesthetic, stylistic and functional considerations of designing objects, environments and communications.1PR Demonstrate increased technical skill and craftsmanship with
various art media when creating images from observation, memory
and imagination.
2PR Make informed choices in the selection of materials and techniques
that relate to solving a visual problem.Week of 12-6
Students continue animal paintings. Layering and different brush techniques are applied.
Art 7
RE Describe how experiences in galleries, museums and other cultural institutions can stimulate the imagination and enrich people’s lives. 6RE Develop and use criteria to guide reflection and assessment of selected personal artworks. 7RE Assess one’s own work and working process and the work of others in relation to criteria and standardsWeek of 12-6
We will be having an in class Sip and PAINT in the junior high classes! The students have voted on their favorite seasonal image and we will create paintings step by step as a class.
Art 8
2PE Develop awareness and articulate various functions of art. 2PR Demonstrate increased technical skill and craftsmanship by using
more complex processes and materials to design and create twoand three-dimensional artworks.Week of 12-6
We will be having an in class Sip and PAINT in the junior high classes! The students have voted on their favorite seasonal image and we will create paintings step by step as a class.
Intro to Drawing1PE Examine and articulate the effects of context on visual imagery. 2PE Identify and describe the sources artists use for visual reference and to generate ideas for artworksWeek of 12-6
Students learn how to create a grid on their drawing paper. The grid acts as a tool in helping with composition and scale. One this technique is lerned the students will apply it to a pencil drawing. The subject will be of their choice and interest.
3RE Expand the use of arts-specific vocabulary to define and describe techniques and materials used to create works of art.2PR Make informed choices in the selection of materials and techniques
as they relate to solving a visual problem.
3PR Generate a variety of solutions to visual arts problems through
preparatory work.
4PR Establish and applyWeek of 12-6
Students create their first independently built character sculpture. Each student picks a character of their choice to recreate and sketches out two different angles. Then using techniques learned throughout the semester the students are to build the sculpture.
5PR Investigate how to access available digital tools and innovative technologies to create and manipulate artwork. 6PR Identify and apply visual literacy as a means to create images that are personally expressiveWeek of 12-6
Students continue candle making project. Melting wax, adding scents and the wick.